Committee Meeting – 5/3/10

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Topics Covered During This Meeting

  • Old Business: Doug said that they are working on the park and mowing the south side. They used hand weed-eaters and used them to make a figure 8 pattern in the dog park. They are trying to figure out the watering system that runs down the sidewalk. Schellinger Bros. is still receiving a bill, and they will deduct the watering bill for the dog bowl from that.
  • Charlie says that we need to up the size of pipe to 2”.Doug wants to have a public meeting about the dog park to get everyone’s ideas.  At this point, the dog park people are not wanting to have it irrigated or have grass.  Two trees have been planted in the Dog park and they were purchased for $15.00 each.Library Park is being worked on right now and manpower is at a minimum. Continue reading
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Committee Meeting – 4/5/10

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Topics Covered During This Meeting

  • Old Business: Doug is unable to do anything right now with the fields in the park due to the wet weather.  They have been planting trees that were purchased for a special deal, 8 were purchased and 4 are being planted in the dog park.  After it is dry, there will be lots to do.  Rich will do spraying for us.  The City will use a flail mower for the dog park before we try to mow it due to the height of the grass being too high for our mower. Pruning shears have been recalled as some trees were pruned at the park that should not have been pruned and they are not looking too good.
  • Fundraiser Information: August 7th will be our fundraiser called “Grillin on the Green” it will be held from 4:00 to 10:00 p.m.  The event will be a BBQ-Off and will have community service organizations compete against each other such as the Fire Dept., Police Dept. and professional organizations.  A chairman is needed for the grilling portion and someone will need to go out and get sponsors – about 15 to 16 total.  Also included will be wine tasting, beer sales party and a kid’s park.  Walking tours will be held, horse-drawn vehicle tours are being looked into.  The walking tours will be self-guided so people can see the park.  Also a Car Show will be on site for the evening. BBQers will be set up in the parking lot and the car show will be parked in the middle of that.  The kid’s park will be set-up and we are looking for a dunk tank.  Pre sale tickets for adults will be $25.00 per person and kid’s tickets will be $10.00 per child.  Infants will be free.  Parking for the event will possibly be in the college lot. Continue reading
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Committee Meeting – 3/1/10

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Topics Covered During This Meeting

  • Meeting called to order 6:00 p.m. Approval of minutes of March 1 meeting: Charlie approved, Sharon second, All in favor. Treasurer’s report – $3,812.58.

Old Business:

  • Joey Marino was present to speak for the Cal Ripkin & American Legion baseball teams. They are looking to establish their own field and would help manage field. He said it would take about 3 months to complete field.
  • Mark & Dennis will go over building & backstop. Charlie asked if Joey would like to be on our committee. He said he was open to participating.
  • Doug said they are taking care of erosion control. They’re in good shape. They need to put in waddles on west side, but need it to be dry. Continue reading
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Committee Meeting – 2/10/10

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Topics Covered During This Meeting

  • Design changes to park – Hugh said one change is to flip flop the horse area and parking. Baseball field will have fencing and be shared. Sharing will depend on time of the year. Horse area and parking will be wider going into Witts (city property). No new name for park, will keep same name. Park commission ok’d changes
  • Bruce Irwin, grant specialist, is working on funding from the Prop. 84 grant. Bruce has written various grants and has a success rate of 46 out of 50. The dead line for filing this grant is March 1st. He needs and aerial shot, says the master plan is ok and he;ll probably need a modified plan once we receive funding. Bruce went over some ways to better our chances for a grant. He;ll go after the restrooms for the soccer fields. Restrooms have to be opened 365 days with hours posted. Part of the grant wringing had to include components of the park; utilities, landscaping, signs, roads, trails, parking, playing fields, ext. We have to also have to revenue generating opportunities. Suggestions were entrance fees, concession stands, leasing facility, renting storage buildings for equipment, renting equipment – nets, etc., advertising signs. With public input, we will prepare a vision for the park. Continue reading
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Committee Meeting – 11/5/08

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Topics Covered During This Meeting

  • Peters has installed 600 feet of drain pipe. The City’s inspection indicated the compaction of the soil was not sufficient. It will be re-compacted at Peters’ expense. The flow on the new well has been calculated at 1.75 gpm. This is not sufficient.
  • Konocti Youth Soccer League will make repairs to the Phase I fields following the completion of the flag football season.
  • In the spring, the committee may wish to consider purchasing dirt from the property adjoining the Sentry Market in Nice. The Schillinger Brothers have dirt there. Continue reading
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Committee Meeting – 10/1/08

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Topics Covered During This Meeting

  • The meeting was called to order at 6:04pm by Charles Jolin. Charlie reported the account balance to be $105,779.18
  • The committee authorized payment of an invoice to Bectel for a plan change related to Phase II in the amount of $4289.00. It was moved by Hugh Mackey, seconded by Dennis Rollins and passed unanimously.
  • Charlie presented a plan of action and costs to continue the development of Phase II and the Dog Park.
  • Pipe and drop inlets from Cook Concrete Products. These items will be delivered to the site. The cost is approximately $30,612.13. Moved by Hugh, seconded by Dennis and passed unanimously to authorize this purchase.
  • Trenching and installation of the drain pipe and drop inlets by R.B. Peters. Following discussion it was moved by Hugh, seconded by Dennis and passed unanimously to authorize this purchase.
  • Fencing, including all materials and labor, for the Dog Park from Don Meir. Charlie stated this price may change based upon the addition of two gates and the exchange of some removable panels for standard fencing. Following discussion, it was moved by Hugh, seconded by Dennis and passed unanimously to authorize this purchase subject to all of the changes being established prior to payment. Continue reading
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